
Our Sunday service times are 9:30am and 11:00am. We are located at 1095 State Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. We do have kids programs and classes during the service. You can find more information about our Sundays on this page.

Coming Events & Gatherings (with links)

02/01 - Youth Ice Skating, 2:30pm

02/02 - Newcomer Lunch, 12:15pm

02/09 - Band & Tech Teams Luncheon, 12:15pm

02/26 - Renovus Worship Night, 7:30pm

03/05 - Ash Wednesday Service, 7:00pm

03/09 - Lent Book Club (4-Sundays), 11:00am

03/09 - Host Team Luncheon, 12:15pm

Table For Ten

Attention young adults (18-35): sign up to join others for lunch after church (or dinner) in a series of gatherings we're calling "Table For Ten." It's 10 young adults hosted by people from older generations, and everything's free! Simply fill out the form (link below) and we'll place you with a host, and then they'll reach out about your event.

Table For Ten Sign Up

Unable To Join Us In Person?

Here's our Sunday morning Zoom link

"I will always love you." 

- Dolly, Whitney, God